Cat™ Generators are manufactured by Caterpillar and are a very popular go-to. Yet, while they are an option everyone seems to recommend, it still begs the question: are CAT™ generators any good? Below, we’ll take a closer look at some of the features of these generators so that you can make the most informed decision possible.
Are CAT ™ generators any good?
Caterpillar generators aren’t just one of the best in the industry; they’re one of the most premium choices in the world. This is because they’re the most reliable option for ensuring that they will work when needed. They are renowned for their quality construction and their overall longevity. In addition to this, they’re one of the few generator models out there that tend to last the longest before they need to undergo any maintenance.
Besides their durability, their performance is exceptional with their output and overall efficiency. They can handle some of the heaviest power loads out there, and we are proud to be able to carry some of these models, especially the 550KVA, ready to power whatever needs to be powered. If that is too much power and maybe not the most transportable option, you can always consider our second most popular option, the 217KVA model.
What are the downsides of CAT™ generators?
We’ve already answered whether CAT™ generators are any good, and they may be the best available option, but are there drawbacks? There are some, and to be fair, these downsides are exactly what many may expect. The first one is the price for quality. Keep in mind that CAT™ generators typically power the higher end of KVA options, and that is what is pushing up the price.
With that said, there are also more affordable options, such as our 33KVA model, that will still come with all the quality and durability that CAT™ generators are known for. You will not be disappointed with what you are purchasing.
Another area to note is that these generators are quite large. But don’t worry, as we’ll be able to handle all delivery and installation needs that you may have throughout the whole of the UK. The CAT™ generators we help distribute are not meant to be moved from place to place consistently, and we recommend better portable options if that’s what you are looking for. Besides these two issues, there aren’t many cons to a CAT™ generator, and the pros outweigh them.
Caterpillar Generators Have Fantastic Resale value
Something to consider when purchasing an industrial generator is the potential resale value of it, in years to come. typically indusalrrty generators lose 30% of their value year year. however Caterpillar generators tend to have better resale value compared to overs.
Unlocking Future Value with Target Power Generators: Guaranteed Caterpillar Generator Buyback
Thinking ahead is key when investing in industrial generators. At Target Power Generators, we recognise the significance of potential resale value. While many generators lose around 30% of their value annually, Caterpillar generators stand out for their enduring worth.
That’s why we’re proud to introduce our Guaranteed Caterpillar Generator Buyback program. As your trusted partner, Target Power Generators ensures a seamless resale process, safeguarding your investment and securing your peace of mind for the years ahead.
Our consensus
For those who are looking for a true investment when it comes to generators and backup power sources, you cannot go wrong when it comes to a CAT™ generator. While the initial upfront cost seems higher, in the long term, you’re going to have fewer maintenance issues and repairs and less need to replace it down the line. For those who have more specific questions about CAT™ generators and our offering, we welcome any and all questions but will confidently answer “Are CAT™ generators any good?” with a resounding yes!